This is not an exhaustive list, but is designed to give you an idea of the range of conditions that can be helped by hypnotherapy.
Hypnosis is a natural state of heightened awareness, where you are able to open your mind to beneficial suggestions and where you can make use of your imagination to help make positive changes in your life. Common Concern Treated with Hypnotherapy: Alcoholism, Anger Management, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Pain Control, Panic Attacks, Childbirth ('Hypnobirthing'), Confidence/Motivation/Self Esteem, Phobias (fear of flying, spiders, etc), Depression, Drug Addiction, Eating Disorders, Sexual Problems, Sports / Work Performance, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Stammering, Insomnia, Smoking Cessation, Stress / Anxieties, Migraine and Weight Loss. Treatment Hypnotherapy is widely used for all psychosomatic disorders. (i.e. those mental and emotional states which actually produce physical symptoms) In a nutshell, hypnotherapy can generally help with any problem you're finding hard to handle on your own - thoughts and actions you'd like to banish or acquire, or emotional suffering that is too overwhelming or has gone on too long. Some physical problems can also be treated effectively by hypnotherapy. Contraindications If you suffer from epilepsy, schizophrenia or clinical depression, you should consult your GP before approaching a hypnotherapist. |